Children’s Ministries
William Street UMC offers a variety of options for children and their families. We strive to provide an environment where all children, and their families, will have what they need to be comfortable and feel the welcome of Jesus’ love. We do not expect all families to make use of all options, but to use what they need when they need it. Since all children are unique, we encourage parents to talk to the nursery attendants, the Children’s Church teachers, or others to find the best fit for their child(ren).
The nursery at WSUMC is designed for infants and toddlers. Since children develop at different rates and in different ways, we rely on parents’ judgment to determine whether the nursery is a good fit for their children. As we get to know you and your child, we hope to work together to make your time, and your child’s time, in our church the best experience it can be.
Some details to know:
- The nursery is designed for children ages 0 to 3 years old.
- All Nursery Attendants are Safe Sanctuary trained and background checked.
- Nursery Attendants do not change diapers or give bottles. If your child is inconsolable or needs care beyond what the Nursery Attendants can offer, we will text you.
- Parents are welcome to use the changing table, rocking chairs, or explore the toys with their child.
- A pamphlet is available with more details about the Nursery and our procedures. If you have questions, please know that we want to answer them.
Family Restroom and Nursing Room
A Family Restroom is available with a toddler potty seat and step stool at the sink for those who need them. You are welcome to breastfeed or bottle feed your baby anywhere you are comfortable at WSUMC. If you would prefer, the Nursing Room has rocking chairs and a changing table in a calm, quiet space. There are also rocking chairs in the Nursery and just outside the sanctuary.
Family Space
William Street recognizes that children benefit from being present in the worship service. However, it is sometimes difficult to pay attention if children can’t see or hear the “action.” Our Family Space includes child-size tables and chairs at the front of the sanctuary with activities related to the scripture for the week’s worship. Parents are welcome to sit at the tables with their children or in the “grown-up” chairs next to the tables – make it work for you and your family. Though it may seem unexpected, we have found that children sitting at the front of the sanctuary are more engaged in the worship and not disruptive for others.
Children’s Church
We offer a child-centered, fun, multi-age opportunity for children to grow and learn about God. This welcoming environment promotes greater understanding of the Bible and rich fellowship among friends. Though the curriculum we use is designed for ages 5 – 10 years old, Children’s Church does not have strict age limits. Our intent is to allow parents to decide how well this opportunity will fit their child. Parents are welcome to join children in Children’s Church anytime!
Children check-in for Children’s Church before the worship service begins (just outside the sanctuary) and then join the congregation in the sanctuary for the first part of the service. After the Children’s Moment (during the service), children are free to go to the classroom with the teacher and assistant for the duration of the service. Parents pick-up their children at the classroom at the end of the service.
On the first Sunday of each month, we do not schedule Children’s Church so children have the opportunity to participate in the entire worship service, including Communion, with their families.
Children’s Moment (during the worship service)
Each week, WSUMC includes a Children’s Moment 15-20 minutes after the beginning of the service. Leaders for this part of the worship service rotate but the goal is to explain the week’s scripture in a child-friendly way and make the message more relevant to the children. Children are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary, but are not required to do so. If they are more comfortable at the Family Space tables or sitting in other seats, they are welcome to choose what feels best for them. After the Children’s Moment, the children are invited to go to Children’s Church with the teacher and assistant for the week.
Children’s Clipboard Activities
For any children who do not want to sit at the Family Space tables at the front of the sanctuary, we also provide clipboards with a few pages of activities and a pencil bag. Children are welcome to take a clipboard from a table just outside the sanctuary before the worship service.