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We shine—just as those who came before us. These are the ministries that started with fearless believers of William Street Church and members of our community. And these are the ministries that will change the world one life at a time.

Each Sunday we share a “mission moment” in worship and collect a loose coin offering for specific ministries. Everyone, including the children and youth, are encouraged to look for ways to reach out to neighbors in need. Take a look at some of the ministries that started with God’s guidance and a few willing hearts at William Street. We’d love to have you join us as we serve as God’s hands and feet in the world.

Common Ground Free Store

The ministry provides basic needs (clothing, shoes, housewares, etc.) and a meal, for free, to anyone, in a caring environment with compassion and dignity.
(This is a ministry that began with a William Street UMC Mission Trip to Athens, Ohio.)

You may serve the Common Ground Free Store with your William Street UMC family in the following ways:

  1. Volunteer at the Free Store on the 2nd Saturday of the month, where we will work together from 1-3:00pm.
    Jobs that may be done during these hours after the store closes are:
    • Sorting donations
    • Restocking
    • Tackling special projects
    • Preparing the store for the next open day
  1. Volunteer on your own, in a time slot that fits your schedule. (See commongroundfreestore.org to sign up to volunteer or for more information.)
  2. Food Providers  – You may help provide the 100+ meals that are provided each day they are open – in big ways and small.

Family Promise of Delaware County

Family Promise is a 24-hour emergency shelter and rapid rehousing referral center. William Street is part of a network of congregations that meet homeless families’ immediate needs for shelter, meals, and comprehensive support services. Volunteers may serve and share their gifts by providing meals and/or staying in the Family Promise building (Promise House) overnight when homeless families are there.

William Street supports Family Promise approximately 4 times a year. Anyone who is interested in providing a meal or being a daytime or overnight “host” at the house during one of our support weeks can contact the coordinator, Bob Tannehill, by emailing office@williamstreetumc.org. New volunteers are always welcome!

Promise Room

In partnership with our Family Promise friends, we created “Promise Room” to collect household items for families leaving Promise House for a new home of their own. You are invited to share you gifts as you participate. Consider donating new/gently-used and clean household items.  Please keep in mind that these are gifts for folks who are beginning anew, and only donate items that you would give to a dear friend or family member.  As you make your donation, we encourage you to pray for the family who will receive it.

Items that help families begin anew include:

  • Kitchen upplies (dish sets, pots, pans, silverware, etc.)
  • Bedroom items (sheets, blankets, pillows)
  • Bathroom supplies (shower curtain, towels, bath mat, toiletry items)

Please contact Bonnie Ristau (740-972-4059, bristau7@gmail.com) to share your gifts and participate. Contact Bonnie:

  • to make arrangements to deliver your donations
  • if you’d like to be a part of the “movers” – helping to deliver items to our families’ new homes
  • if you’d like to help with the organizing of the room
  • if you’d like to assist with meeting donors and/ or families who are moving into  permanent housing

Second Friday Community Meal

This community meal, served at Andrews House, provides a well-balanced meal at no charge to anyone who wants or needs it. William Street was instrumental in starting this ministry in 1996 and has continued to be a supporter ever since. Even though diners have not come in-person since COVID, take-out meals are provided and those who continue to prepare meals have become a community of their own. Andrews House staff are always looking for folks who are willing to cook meals, package meals, or help with cleaning up. If you are interested in helping, please call Andrews House at (740)369-4520 to sign up.

A New Place At the Table

A New Place at the Table is a community meal held at Unity Community Center on the third Friday of each month. This mission offers a hot meal and game of bingo (with prizes!) to Delaware residents in the South Neighborhood. In addition, each attendee is welcome to a grocery bag of shelf-stable pantry food, take-out meals for others who did not attend, and leftovers from the meal to be enjoyed in the days after the meal.

Birthday Baskets

These are gift baskets, prepared with Unity Community Center, celebrating birthdays for children and older adults. Donations may be placed in the bin on the church porch or Donations may be placed in the bin on the church porch or placed on designated tables at Sunday services. Currently, we are collecting:

  • ‘Variety packs’ of individually bagged snacks (like those used for school lunches) — especially needed!
  • Individually wrapped candies (or small boxes) — especially needed! 
  • Individual packages of crackers — especially needed!
  • Small stuffed animals 
  • Packs of festive-looking tissue paper
  • Large colorful bows to wrap the baskets
  • Individual (or small clusters) of artificial flowers
  • Decorative/scented candles in jars
  • Small packages of cookies (i.e. Oreos, chocolate chip)
  • Birthday cards for adults and children

For more information, contact Art and Nancy Miller by emailing office@williamstreetumc.org.

Food For Friends Pantry

This food pantry is available to anyone in need of food. The pantry is open on request (call the church office at 740-363-4741) and anytime someone visits the Promise Room. We also provide bags of groceries for those who need them while attending A New Place At the Table community meal. We nearly always need donations of:

  • ready-to-eat canned meals (spaghetti and meatballs, ravioli, beef stew)
  • pasta-roni box meals (to go with the canned meat)
  • canned chicken or other meat
  • peanut butter (not the huge jar)
  • jelly (plastic jars or squeezables)
  • boxes of cereal (regular size, not the huge size)
  • ramen noodles
  • paper towels

UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)

Involved in God’s work in more than 60 countries, UMCOR addresses many needs, especially disaster relief, in a variety of settings and cultures. To contribute to UMCOR, you may donate through WSUMC (indicate either in the memo line of your check or the “other” line if you give online) to have your donations included in your annual giving statement from WSUMC. You may also donate directly to UMCOR on their website: https://umcmission.org/umcor/.


Below are some Delaware County resource/assistance programs.

Partnered with:

Turning Point
Family Promise